Things to Come

The book of Revelation tells us about the things to come.  God has made known His future dealings with the world, so that every Christian would know what to expect in the end times.  Christians are always looking to the future – either expecting death and entrance into heaven or expecting the opening of the door of heaven and the appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

No one knows when Christ will appear, but we do know some of the events of the end times.  For example, if the book of Revelation is to be fulfilled, Israel must be a nation in the land.  Ever since the Roman 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem, Israel had existed without a homeland.  But, in 1948, Israel was established as a nation again.  Does this mean the coming of the Lord is imminent?  Perhaps, but only the Father knows the time of His coming.  This simply means that one necessary part of end times prophecy is in place for Revelation to be fulfilled. 

Are there other things that are revealed in Revelation that could be setting the stage for the Lord’s return?  Our recent study of the “great tribulation” in the end times points to some things that will be in place prior to the great tribulation.  These include 1) globalism, 2) one world religion, 3) one world economy, 4) one world ruler, 5) the world being divided into ten regions ruled by ten kings, and 6) the designation of one city as headquarters for the one rule dominion. 

Satan is not an original thinker, but always attempts to thwart the purposes of God.  Satan will first seek to establish His unholy kingdom.  He will form a wicked triad with the anti-Christ and the false prophet to set up His rule.  The greater part of this anti-kingdom work will take place in the seven year tribulation at the end of time.  However, the beginnings of the devil’s dominion will be set in place prior to the beginning of the tribulation.  (This is the reason that Christians should resist any movement toward one world globalism.)

The Old Testament reveals that the promised Messiah will crush the kingdoms of this world and establish the kingdom of God.  Jesus Christ will rule this kingdom forever! 

We should beware of the danger of Satan’s world order – and fix our hope on the one true kingdom of God.