Reading the Word

The necessity of reading the Word of God cannot be overly emphasized for all those intent on living for the Lord.  We are exhorted in Scripture, “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Colossians 3:16).  The idea behind the word of Christ richly dwelling within emphasizes the saturation of the Christian with God’s truth.  The fullness of the Word of God leads to sharing the Word with others.  We do so in conversation as well as in singing hymns of the faith together.  And please note that the inward response to God’s word is thankfulness in the heart. 

Many – far too many – professing Christians today have a very limited knowledge of the Bible.  They claim to be believers in Christ, but they never seem to grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord.  The failure of churches to preach the Word may be part of the blame, but every Christian is responsible to be constantly exposed to Scripture.  We should all ask ourselves, “What is my daily exposure to the Word of God?”  “Do I have a plan to read through the Bible in a daily devotional time with the Lord?”  A devotional life with the Lord requires planning and discipline.  Because it is so important, it must be our priority. 

God could empower us to live for Him in any number of ways, but He has chosen to strengthen us for the constant challenges of life as we abide in Him.  Time in the Word and in prayer is the way God strengthens us to live for Him.  Jesus told His disciples, “I am the Vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 14:5).  It is the privilege of every Christian to walk in Christ’s victory by the presence, power and provision of Christ.  We died because He died for us, we live because He lives in us, and we walk because He empowers us as we abide, remain, and continue in Him. 

Be encouraged to read and pray every day.  As you fellowship with the Lord in Word and prayer, He fortifies your faith, He encourages your heart, and He empowers you to live a fruitful life – by Him and for His glory.